A Modular Ramp Is One That Is Composed Of Smaller Parts That Are Then Connected.
All of the ramp styles in National Ramp product lines are modular.
Benefits of Modular Ramps
1. Layout Flexibility
A modular ramp is composed of different ramp and platform sections of varying sizes, which gives the National Ramp dealer flexibility to create a ramp layout that works around your property’s landscape. The ramp layout can weave around a large tree, extend around an HVAC unit, and shift to land in a specific spot.
2. Quick Installation
National Ramp products connect through a tongue and groove system. The ramp and platform sections are light enough to be carried by one or two people and create a secure connection when assembled.
3. Installation Flexibility
The National Ramp dealer can move a leg to avoid a tree stump during the installation, as the ramp design allows for flexibility. If the site conditions have changed from the time of the evaluation, minor part swaps allow the installer to get the best fit possible.
4. Easy Repairs
What happens if following a bad storm, a tree limb falls onto your ramp, destroying the handrails it fell on? It’s an easy fix, where the National Ramp dealer can uninstall a portion of the ramp, replace the damaged handrails, and reconnect the ramp. With a modular ramp, only the damaged portions will need to be replaced, making repairs more cost-efficient than compared to a permanent ramp.
5. Change Your Mind, Change the Ramp
Your National Ramp dealer can also reconfigure the ramp, if living or transportation arrangements change, to best suit the needs of the ramp user(s). For example, maybe the original ramp design started at the front door, but as the health conditions of the ramp’s primary user changed, a room at the back of the house is now their living space. The ramp can be moved and reconfigured to provide safe access to the back of the home.
6. Easy Removal
The ramp can be removed within a few hours if no longer needed, with minimal lasting impact to your property. There may be a few places where the grass will need to grow back, but within no time, your home will look as it did before the ramp installation.