The Victory SeriesTM
An Alternative Mobility Solution
At first many people consider a wood ramp to be a decent home access option. And for some people that may be true. Despite the warmth and beauty that a wood ramp can bring to your home, wood ramps also come with drawbacks depending on your home and your needs. Wooden wheelchair ramps are not structurally customizable, lack a warranty, need significant maintenance like annual cleanings and can rot and splinter. Recently, with the skyrocketing cost of lumber, a wooden ramp is no longer a lower-priced ramp option compared to aluminum. In fact, with today’s prices, a wood ramp may actually cost more than an aluminum ramp. That being said, if those drawbacks are a deal-breaker for you, an aluminum ramp or threshold ramp may provide a more-economical, lesser maintenance option with better quality construction.
If you anticipated some of those drawbacks and have your heart set on a wooden wheelchair ramp, besides the warmth and beauty they bring to your home, wood ramps also offer many other benefits.
If you’re unsure which ramp material would best suit your needs, talk to one of our ramp specialists today.
Talk to a Ramp Specialist now 877-748-5588